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Charities and Fundraisers

Your Golf Day Engage with a corporate marketplace

Engage with a corporate marketplace

Your Golf Day Entertain high net worth individuals

Entertain high net worth individuals

Your Golf Day Create an event to be remembered

Create an event to be remembered

Putting the fun in your fundraising

There's something about a golf day that is very attractive. The glamour that surrounds the PGA as an elitist activity that anyone can take part in, the lure of prizes and, a day ‘networking’ all on a golf course. The fact is golf days have amazing fundraising potential because at their essence they are just great fun.

The golf industry was one of the few industries to experience a boom on the back of the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people worldwide were desperate to find an outdoor activity that was simple to become a part of (albeit hard to master).
An important factor to note for fundraisers and charities is the average golfer, and those interested in golf, are typically high earners (often business owners or business decision makers). With nearly a million golfers in the UK, golf days offer a fantastic opportunity to engage with them by creating a memorable event that they love.
But where do you start?
Your Golf Day Putting the fun in your fundraising
Your Golf Day Raise funds

Raise funds

Your Golf Day Raise awareness

Raise awareness

Your Golf Day Engage with prospective partners

Engage with prospective partners

Your Golf Day Entertain current stakeholders and partners

Entertain current stakeholders and partners

"On behalf of all the children, families and organisations you have helped to support; a heartfelt thank you and your support means the world to us and them."
Lisa Sullivan, Charity Manager, Cash for Kids.

Running your day

If you’ve never run a golf day before (or if you have, you’ll understand) it can be a huge logistical challenge to make sure your event is fun, engaging, inclusive and crucially, profitable. Many of the not-for-profits we work with struggle to even know where to start.

Not to worry, let us take away the headache. Years of experience has helped us break down a full golf event (it’s more than just a day out) into 8 manageable steps, so your event becomes not only a day out they’ll remember but one they’ll look forward to attending a year from now.

Your Golf Day Running your day

Lets Chat

Want to find out more? Simply click the button to get in touch with us and tee off for the perfect golf day experience.